第 248 课:信任的背叛-2

The young golfer has admitted being unfaithful to his wife and family. Public opinion of him has fallen. 自从这位年青的高尔夫球手承认他对妻子和家庭的不忠,他的公众形象就一落千丈。

Some companies have removed him from their advertising. 许多公司已经把他的形象从广告中撤出。

Tiger Woods is now taking what he calls "an indefinite break from professional golf." 老虎伍兹自称他永远退出职业生涯。

Trust also plays into much bigger issues, like reaching a climate change agreement or reforming a health care system. 信任也在一些比较重大的问题上有很重要的作用。像达成气候变化协议和改革医疗保健系统。

Two different researchers have recently studied the effects of trust within countries. 两个不同的研究者都在研究信任在不同的国家的作用。