第 250 课:多放贷款-2

But critics say banks are profiting mainly from trading activities, not from making loans to small businesses or homeowners. 但是,批评人士说,银行的利润主要来自于交易,而非来自于向小型公司或房主的贷款。

Britain has placed a fifty percent tax on bonuses for bankers. 英国对银行家的花红征收 50% 的税。

There have been calls for similar measures in the United States. 在美国,一直有类似举措的呼吁。

Unemployment rates are the highest in a generation -- ten percent nationally in November. 11 月全美失业率是 10 年新高 (10%) 。

An estimated seventeen percent of the labor force either lacks a job or is not working enough to pay all the bills. 估计 17% 的劳动力没有工作或入不敷出。