第 250 课:多放贷款-5

That situation increases the risk that a loan will not be repaid. 这会增加贷款无法偿还的风险。

Stephen Thode at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania says progress in the housing market will be limited until the job market gets better. 宾夕法尼亚 利哈伊大学 的 Stephen Thode 说,除非劳动力市场改善,否则房产市场回暖有限。

Most new jobs in the United States are created by small businesses. 美国许多新增就业是由小公司创造的。

But small businesses have been hit hard by the recession and now the difficulty in getting loans. 但是,小公司受到经济衰退的重创,并且目前贷款困难。