第 251 课:马丘比丘-1

Since he was a little boy, Mike Torrey says, he has been fascinated with Machu Picchu. 自孩提时起,迈克 · 托利即为马丘比丘深深吸引。

It wasn't just the beauty of the polished stone block walls or the fact that this abandoned city sits atop a narrow ridge more than 2400 meters (8000 feet) above sea level. 打动他的不仅是那些(被岁月打磨得)光滑圆润的石块,那刀削斧劈般的悬崖峭壁,或者那耸立于海拔 2400 米 (8000 英尺 ) 高的山脊上的废弃之城,

Torrey says he was also intrigued by the tragic history of Machu Picchu. 更是马丘比丘这座城市悲剧性的历史。

After the Incan civilization collapsed, the site was abandoned and the rainforest overgrew it for 400 years. 印加之邦既衰,山城遭弃,荒草疯长,风雨飘摇 400 年。

Then in 1911, Machu Picchu was found once again. 1911 年,(饱经沧桑的)马丘比丘重新现身。