第 251 课:马丘比丘-3

It's a collection of 100 photographs, featuring an extended forward by Peruvian writer Marie Arana, who shares her own sense of awe at the place. 此书有 100 张图片,书中还有秘鲁作家玛丽亚·阿利娜的文字阐述,使读者更能感受到胜地的惊人之美。

Like her narrative, Torrey's finely-detailed photographs convey some of the indescribable energy surrounding this mysterious site. 玛丽亚的文字叙述配上托利精美细腻的图片,更增添了马丘比丘的神秘之美,真是难以形容。

Torrey says it was no small feat composing shots of the ruins without any tourists in the frame, but even more difficult was chasing the ever-changing angles of natural light. 托利说,想让相框中无一游客进行古迹拍摄并非轻而易举之事,更难的是追逐自然光线千变万化的角度。

His images are filled with Machu Picchu's unique textures, such as the mist wrapping around jungle peaks and massive cut stones fitting perfectly against one another. 托利的照片充满了马丘比丘独特的神韵,照片上,群峰山雾缭绕,(如梦如幻);巨石林立,相对而出,如同天成。