第 253 课:金钱与荒诞-1

Many people believe that money makes the world go around. 很多人认为金钱能使鬼推磨。

Others believe that money buys happiness. 另外一些人认为金钱能够买到幸福。

I do not agree with either idea. But I do admit that money can make people do strange things. 我并不赞成这两种观点,但是我承认,金钱可以使人作出荒诞的事情。

Let me tell you about a person I once knew who liked to play card games for money. He liked to gamble. 让我来讲述一个人吧,我曾经认识他,他喜欢为钱去玩牌、赌博。

My friend Bob had a problem because he liked to gamble at all costs . 我的朋友鲍勃有个嗜赌的毛病。