第 253 课:金钱与荒诞-3

He liked to tell me that one day he would break the bank. 他喜欢对我说某天他将可能大获全胜。

What a feeling it must be to win all of the money at a gambling table! 在赌博场上赢好多的钱,感觉不知有多爽!

Other times my friend would simply break even. He neither won nor lost money. 在其他一些场合,朋友可能仅仅是收支平衡。他既不会赢钱也不会输钱。

But sometimes Bob would lose his shirt. He would lose all the money he had. He took a beating at the gambling table. 但是有时候,鲍勃会损失惨重,输掉自己的所有钱财,并在赌场上欠下债务。

When this happened, my friend would have to go in the hole. He would go into debt and owe people money. 当这种情况发生时,朋友就会陷入经济困难,他将欠钱、负债。