第 253 课:金钱与荒诞-6

This time, he cashed in. He made a lot of money. 这次,他抓住了赚钱的机会,挣了很多钱。

Quickly he was back on his feet. He had returned to good financial health. 很快,他便站稳了脚跟,恢复到了良好的财政状态。

His company, however, ended up in the red. 然而,他的公司却因财政赤字而倒闭。

It lost more money than it earned. The company was no longer profitable. 该公司已入不敷出、不再盈利。

It did not take long before my friend's dishonesty was discovered. 不久之后朋友的偷窃行为便被揭露了。