第 255 课:猎杀犀牛-1

A new report says the illegal killing of Rhinos for their horns is increasing in Africa and Asia. 一份新的报告称,在非洲和亚洲,非法猎杀犀牛以谋取牛角呈上升态势。

Rhinoceros poachers are killing an estimated two to three of the rare animals each week. 犀牛偷猎者每周估计猎杀两到三头这一珍稀动物。

Experts say, demand in Asia, especially Vietnam and china, currently drives most trade in rhino horns from South Africa. 专家说,日前亚洲的需求,特别是越南和中国,驱使南非大多数的牛角贸易。

The horns are often used to make traditional medicines, or handles for dagger knives. 犀牛角经常被用作传统药材,或者制作匕首的柄。

The report is from the international union for the onservation of nature and an organization known as Traffic. 这份报告来自于国际自然保护联合会和一个以通称为 Traffic 的组织。