第 255 课:猎杀犀牛-2

Most African rhino poaching is in Zimbabwe and South Africa. 大多数的犀牛角偷猎都在津巴布韦和南非。

Experts found that two hundred ten rhinos were illegally killed in South Africa in the last three years. 专家们发现在过去的三年时间里有 210 头犀牛在南非被非法猎杀。

The estimate for Zimbabwe is two hundred thirty five. 而估计在津巴布韦是 235 头(犀牛被非法猎杀)。

The situation threatens gains made in its rhino populations in the 1990s. 这一状况阻碍了上世纪九十年代犀牛数量在该国的增长。

In the last two years, only six people were found guilty of poaching charges out of forty-one arrested. 在过去两年里,被逮捕的 41 人中只有 6 人被指控偷猎而判有罪。