第 256 课:寒冷的影响-3

The feet, for example, Heavy socks can warm your feet, if your feet are really cold. 比如说脚。如果你真的感觉冷,厚袜子能使你的脚暖和。

What there is an expression -- to get cold feet -- that has nothing to do with cold, or your feet. 这里有一个说法:临阵畏缩。这即与冷无关,也与你的脚无关。

The expression means being afraid to do something you had decided to do. 这个表述指的是你害怕做你本来已经决定做的事情。

For example, you agree to be president of an organization, but then you learned that all the other officers have resigned. 例如,你同意出任某家机构的负责人。然而,你发现其他所有的官员都已经辞职。

All the work of the organization will be your responsibility. 该机构的所有工作都将由你承担。