第 257 课:气候变化-5

In New York , the United Nations secretary-general reacted to a dispute over e-mails stolen from the University of East Anglia in England. 联合国秘书长在纽约回应关于来自于英国 East Anglia 大学的电子邮件被偷的争论。

Critics say the messages show climate change scientists discussing ways to discredit other theories about global warming. 批评人士说那信息显示讨论怀疑其它气候变暖理论的方法的气候变化科学家。

But Ban Ki-Moon said Tuesday that the evidence is "quite clear" that humans are the main cause of temperatures rising faster than expected. 但是潘基文在周二说有充分、清楚的证据表明人类活动是气候变化速度快于人们原来预期的主要原因。

Modern climate records date back to eighteen fifty. 现代的气候记录可以追朔到 1850 年。