第 258 课:迪拜世界-5

And France recently proposed changes in finance laws to protect Islamic bondholders. 另外,法国最近提出修改金融法,以保护伊斯兰债券持有人。

Estimates differ, but as much as one and a half trillion dollars may be managed under Islamic rules. 估算金额有差异,但是根据伊斯兰规则管理的金额多达 1.5 万亿美元。

Last year, the International Monetary Fund studied the financial security of Islamic banks. 去年, IMF( 国际货币基金 ) 研究了伊斯兰银行的金融安全。

It found that their lack of complex products like futures and derivatives limits the ability to spread risk. IMF 发现,由于伊斯兰金融没有诸如期货和衍生品种之类的复合产品,限制其风险扩散。

Professor Nakshbendi notes that Islamic finance does not appeal only to Muslims. NAKSHBENDI 教授说,伊斯兰金融不仅仅对穆斯林有吸收力。