第 259 课:海盗捕鱼-1

Some pirates catch fish instead of ships. 一些海盗捕鱼而不是抢船。

The problem is known as illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. 这个问题以非法、未报道和滥捕鱼而闻名。

Such fishing harms the productivity of fisheries, and hurts the developing countries, especially. 这样的捕鱼损害了捕鱼业的产量,尤其伤害发展中国家为甚。

The fish pirates can easily land in ports that are not well controlled. 鱼盗能轻易地在一些没有有效控制的港口登陆。

Then they sell their catch at price too low for the local fish industry to compete. 然后,他们把捕获物以极低的价格卖出,以至于当地的渔业无法无其竞争。