第 259 课:海盗捕鱼-5

The others were Norway, Samoa, Sierra Leone, the united states and Uruguay. 其他国家是挪威、萨摩亚、塞拉利昂、美国和乌拉圭。

Activists with pew environment Group say countries should use the measures even before the treaty takes effect. 皮尤环境集团的活动家说各国即使在该条约生效之前都应该采取这些措施。

The group notes that a past fishing treaty took almost ten years to come into force. 该集团指出,过去一个渔业条约几乎花了十年才生效。

But the director of international law programs at Southern Illinois University is more hopeful. 但南伊利诺伊大学的国际法项目的主任, Cindy Buys 要乐观得多。

Cindy Buys thinks the treaty might take effect in only about a year. 她认为该条约将在一年后生效。

But she points out that the success of the treaty depends on the ability of nations to enforce it. 但她指出该条约的成功取决于实施该条约的国家的实力。