第 26 课:高等教育花费-1

Governments are not the only ones having to re-examine their budgets. 政府不是唯一需要再次审核他们预算的一方。

The financial crisis has many families concerned about how they will pay for college. 金融危机使许多家庭开始关心他们将如何支付高等教育款项。

This week in our Foreign Student Series, we discuss costs for higher education for international students in the United States. 本周在我们的外国学生系列,我们会讨论在美国的国际学生的高等教育花费。

Prices differ from school to school, but public colleges and universities usually cost less than private ones. 数额依学校不同而各有差异,但是公立学院和大学比起私立大学要花费得少。

A big state university in the western United States will serve as our example. 一所位于美国西部的大型州立大学将会作为我们的典例。