第 26 课:高等教育花费-3

This is generally true of American schools, especially at the undergraduate level. 这对其他美国学校总体上来说也是适用的,特别是在本科生级别。

Federal and state financial aid can only go to American citizens. 联邦和州立的经济资助只面向美国公民。

The University of Colorado does, however, offer some help for international students. 然而,科罗拉多大学在给国际学生提供一些帮助。

For example, it guarantees them the same tuition rate for all four years of undergraduate study. 举个例子来说,它确保所有学生4年的本科学习具有相同的学费费用。

And it offers four scholarships for international students with special skills or talents. 同时它还为具有特别技能或天赋的国际学生提供4项奖学金。