第 260 课:特有的词汇-3

The issues must be treated carefully, or they will be difficult and painful, if an elected official has to deal with them, as difficult and painful as holding a hot potato. 这些问题必须小心处理,如果一个民选官员不得不处理它们,那将是困难而痛苦的。这困难和痛苦就如手拿一个“烤山芋”。

One such hot potato is taxes. 这样的烤山芋就是税收。

Calling for a higher taxes can mean defeat for a politician. 呼吁高税收对一个政客来说意味着失败。

And yet, if taxes are not raised, some very popular government programs could be cut. 可是,如果没有增加税收,一些公众欢迎的政府项目就得削减。

And that also can make a politician very unpopular. 这同样会使一个政客失去民意支持。