第 261 课:第一轮攻击-4

President Obama spent three months considering his decision. 美国总统奥巴马花了 3 个月来考虑了他的计划。

He said one of the goals is to train Afghan security forces to take responsibility for their own security. 他说一个目的是培训阿富汗的安全部队以让他们自己承担自己的安全。

Setting a date to begin removing troops is meant to put pressure on the government of President Hamid Karzai to take responsibility. 设置一个撤军日期意味着向将要承担阿富汗安全的 Hamid Karzai 总统的政府施加压力。

Public opinion surveys show that the war has grown increasingly unpopular with Americans. 民意测验显示战争已经越来越不受美国人欢迎。

In Congress, the troop increase is unpopular with some liberal Democrats. Cost is one concern. 在国会,一些自由民主党就不欢迎增兵。花费是一个问题。