第 261 课:第一轮攻击-6

For many Americans, finding a job and getting health care are the top concerns -- as the president recognized in his speech. 对于许多美国人来说,找一份工作,得到医疗保险才是头等大事。这正如总统在他的演说中承认的。

On Friday, the Labor Department in Washington said the unemployment rate decreased by two-tenths of one percent in November to ten percent. 在周五,华盛顿的劳工部说 11 月的失业率是 10% ,已经下降了 0.2% 。

The monthly report said the nation lost eleven thousand jobs -- far fewer than expected. 月度报告显示全国损失了 11000 个工作岗位,这比预计的要少的多了。

It was the best report since two thousand seven. 这是自 2007 年以来就好的。