第 265 课:世界腐败-6

Transparency International says there are many concerns about supervision of the American financial industry. 然而它的实际得分却比去年提高了一个点的 20% 。透明组织认为美国金融业的监管有很多的问题。

Many of the countries at the bottom of the list are in sub-Saharan Africa. 非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南的许多的国家排名垫底。

Patrick Berg is a program coordinator for Transparency International. Patrick Berg 是透明组织计划协调员。

But he says some countries -- including Botswana , Mauritius and Cape Verde -- have worked hard to improve their governance. 但是他说许多国家,包括博茨瓦纳、毛里求斯、佛得角等,已经努力提高行政管理。

As a result, they have improved their standing on the list. 因此他们也提高了他们在名单上的排名。