第 267 课:亚洲之旅-2

The president spent a day in Japan . He met with the new prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama. 总统在日本停留一天。期间会见了日本的新首相, Yukio Hatoyama。

They talked about strengthening their nations' alliance. 商讨加强两国同盟。

But the prime minister campaigned on a promise of a "more equal" relationship. 但是这位首相的竞选承诺中就有一项是:一个更平等的关系。

For example, he wants to study a two thousand six agreement for an American Marine air station to move to another area of Okinawa. 例如,他想更改 2006 年的协议,即把驻日关岛的美海军陆战队空军基地移至关岛的另一个区域。

In South Korea , President Obama and President Lee Myung-bak discussed a free trade agreement signed by their governments two years ago. 在韩国,奥巴马总统和李明博总统商讨两国政府于两年前所签定的自由贸易协议。