第 268 课:入学人数-1

College enrollment has reached an all-time high in the United States. 美国的大学入学人数已创历史新高。

About forty percent of all eighteen- to twenty-four-year-olds -- or almost eleven and a half million -- were in school in October of last year. 18至24岁年龄群中大约有40%——几乎是1150万——去年的十月还在学校里。

A new report says both numbers are record highs. Richard Fry at the Pew Research Center points to a number of reasons. 一项新的报道称有两个数字都创下了历史新高。皮尤研究所的Richard Fry指出其中的多种原因。

Another reason for the enrollment increase: the recession. 入学数量增加的另一个原因是:大衰退。

The unemployment rate reached a twenty-six year high in October. 十月份,失业率达到了26年来最高。