第 268 课:入学人数-2

The economic downturn has hit young adults especially hard. 经济的低迷极大地冲击了年轻人。

Richard Fry says their job-holding rate is almost at the lowest point in nearly fifty years. Richard Fry 说他们的工作稳定程度也几乎达到了近50年来的最低点。

In a poor job market, many people turn to higher education, especially at two-year colleges. 在一个低迷的就业市场中,很多人都转向追求更高的教育,尤其是两年制大学。

These schools, known as community colleges, have had the greatest enrollment increase. 这些学校也就是为人所熟知的社区大学,(它们的)入学数达到了最大增加。

They offer professional training and traditionally cost a lot less than programs at four-year schools. 他们提供职业培训,并且,一般来说,他们的费用比四年制大学课程的少很多。