第 268 课:入学人数-4

In August the United States Commission on Civil Rights opened an investigation. 在八月,美国民权委员会展开了一项调查。

Spokeswoman Lenore Ostrowsky says the purpose is to identify if discrimination is taking place in schools. 女发言人Lenore Ostrowsky称,这样做的目的就是为了查明在学校中是否存有歧视。

But she adds that there may be lots of reasons why more women apply to colleges, and why colleges admit more women. 不过,她补充道,更多的女性申请进入大学以及众多大学接纳更多女性,其中的原因都是非常多的。

The Census Bureau says fifty-four percent of full time students at two- and four-year colleges last year were female. 人口调查局称去年,两年制和四年制大学的全日制学生中有54%是女性学员。

Federal law bars sex discrimination at any school that receives federal money. 联邦法律规定,在接受联邦资金援助大学里禁止发生性别歧视。