第 269 课:美国工作-5

Also, men who are not the main earners may feel threatened. 另外,不是家中主要挣钱者的男性可能感受到威胁。

The job market continues to suffer the effects of last year's financial crash. 就业市场继续受到去年金融危机的影响。

Now, a judgment has been reached in the first case involving charges of criminal wrongdoing on Wall Street. 目前,华尔街首例犯罪行为指控已达成裁决。

Last week, the government lost its case against two managers at Bear Stearns, the first investment bank to fail last year. 上周,美国政府在去年首家破产投资银 行 贝尔斯登公司二位经理的案例中败诉。