第 27 课:混植法-3

For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, as the name suggests. 例如西红柿就不喜湿土壤但是水田芥就反之,这正如水田芥的名字所示的那样。

So you would probably not want to put them together. 所以你也许不会把它们种到一起。

Even after harvest, some kinds of produce should be kept apart. 即使是在收获以后,许多种作物也应该分开放置。

Apples, for example, release ethylene gas, a plant hormone . 例如苹果,释放出乙烯气体,这是一种植物激素。

It can cause other foods to ripen too quickly. 它可以使其它的食物非常快的成熟。

Fruits that release a lot of ethylene also include apricots , melons and tomatoes. 可以释放出乙烯气体的其它的一些水果包括:杏、瓜和西红柿。