第 270 课:世界食品计划-2

Sheila Sisulu from the World Food Program says the project aims to break a cycle that keeps people hungry. 来自世界食品计划的Sheila Sisulu说,这一计划的主要目的是打破持续使人陷于饥饿的循环。

The situation is when farmers have to sell their produce at low prices after harvest, when supplies are greatest. 那种情况就是,在供应充足时,农民们在丰收后不得不以低价售卖他们的产品。

Then they have to pay high prices to buy food for themselves during the "lean season," when supplies are limited. 而后,当供应短缺时,他们不得不在歉收季节以高价去为他们自己购买食品。

But when farmers produce more food, they can sell more. 不过,现在农民们生产更多的食物,就可以卖更多。

And when they produce high-quality food, they can get higher prices. 并且,当他们生产出优质产品时,就能以更高价格卖出。