第 271 课:闲置的自行车-4

That makes it possible for them to visit more patients each day. 这样能够使得医护工作者们每天可以去看望更多的病人。

The organization also has bicycle ambulance services to transport the sick. 这个组织同样还有自行车流动医院服务用来运送病人。

The Bicycle Empowerment Network also provides training and support to help local organizations and individuals open bike shops of their own. 自行车授权网还提供培训和支持服务以帮助当地的组织和个人开设他们自己的自行车商店。

The businesses sell the recycled bikes at low cost and provide repair services. 这一商业活动以低价售卖这种再循环利用的自行车,并提供修理服务。

Many of the organizations use the money they earn to help pay for other community projects. 很多这样的组织用挣来的钱支付社区的其他计划费用。