第 273 课:停战日-4

But officials say the American ambassador in Kabul has expressed concerns because of Afghan government corruption. 但是官员说美驻喀布尔大使说阿富汗政府的腐败令他感到担心。

The ambassador, Karl Eikenberry, is a former commander of the war. Karl Eikenberry 大使就是这场战争的前指挥官。

President Obama said Friday in Tokyo that "the decision will be made soon." 周五奥巴马在东京决定很快会出台。

Veterans Day came a day after the president spoke at a memorial service at the Army base at Fort Hood , Texas. 总统在 Texas 州的 Fort Hood 陆军基地的悼念仪式发表讲话后一天就是退伍军人节。

The service was for the thirteen people killed in a shooting there last week. 那个仪式是为在上周死去的 13 个人而举行的。