第 273 课:停战日-6

Investigators say they are looking at every possible reason for the shooting. 调查者说他们在找这次枪击的每一个可能的理由。

Officials say they will also investigate whether warning signs about Major Hasan's behavior were ignored. 官方说他们会调查 Major Hasan 的异常的举动信号是否被人们所忽视。

Fort Hood is a huge base that has lost more than five hundred soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Fort Hood 是一个巨大的基地,它在阿富汗和伊拉克战争中死去的士兵有 500 多。

Many soldiers say the best way to honor those killed in the shooting is to continue doing their duty. 许多士兵说最好的向枪击案中死去的士兵的最好的方式就是完成他们未竞的事业。