第 275 课:组织运作-1

Every machine is held together by its nuts and bolts. 每台机器都是由螺帽和螺栓所连接在一起的。

Without them, the machine would fall apart. That is also true of an organization. 如果少了他们,机器就会分散开来。这也适用于一个组织。

Its nuts and bolts are its basic, necessary elements. 螺帽和螺栓就是最基本,必须的元素。

They are the parts that make the organization work. 是他们使组织可以运作下去。

In government, industry, diplomacy -- in most anything -- those who understand the nuts and bolts are the most important. 在政府,制造业,外交部和几乎所有的地方,都了解这些螺帽和螺栓才是最重要的。