第 275 课:组织运作-2

Success depends more on them than on almost anyone else. 比起其他任何事物,成功更多的是依赖这些具体的细节。

In government, the president or prime minister may plan and shape programs and policies. 在政府的总统或者是首相制定和决定方案和政策。

But, it takes much more work to get them approved and to make them successful. 但是这要做大量的工作使这些决策通过并得以成功。

There is a mass of detailed work to be done. The nuts and bolts. This is often put into the hands of specialists. 这需要做出大量的细节工作。这些工作通常交予一些专家手里处理。

The top leaders are always well-known, but not those who work with the nuts and bolts. 高级领导人都是有名的,但不是他们来完成这些细节工作。