第 275 课:组织运作-3

This is equally true in the day-to-day operation of Congress. 在国会日常运转中也是如此。

The majority leader of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, together with the chairmen of committees, keep the business of Congress moving. 参议会的多数派领导人,众议院的发言人连同国会委员会主席一起保持国会事务运行。

Behind every Senator and Congressman, however, are assistants. 每一位参议员和国会议员背后都有助手们。

These people do all the detailed work to prepare congressmen to vote wisely on each issue. 这些助手们要为议员们对每个议题的明智投票做好细节准备工作。

In diplomacy, the chief ministers are unquestionably important in negotiations. 在外交上,首席部长无疑是谈判中的重要人物。