第 275 课:组织运作-4

But there are lesser officials who do the basic work and preparations on the different issues to be negotiated. 但那些手下官员们要对谈判的各种议题做好基本准备工作。

A recent book, tells of a British Prime Minister who decided to send an ambassador to Washington to learn if details could be worked out for joint action on an issue. 最近一本书中讲述了一位英国首相决定派出一位大使到华盛顿,去了解对于某项议题的两国合作的细节是否可以解决。

"The talks in Washington," the minister said, "would be of nuts and bolts." he meant of course, the talks would concern all the necessary elements to make joint action successful. 这位首相说到,“在华盛顿的这次谈话,将会是细节的对话。” 他的意思当然是,对话将会关注所有使联合合作能做成功的所有必要细节。

In a military operation, strategy decisions are important. 在军事活动中,战略决策是重要的。