第 276 课:阿富汗选举-1

People in Afghanistan were supposed to vote again Saturday for president. 阿富汗人民将在本周六再次的投票选举总统。

But earlier this week the Independent Election Commission declared Hamid Karzai the winner of a second term. 但是本周早些时候独立选举委员会宣布 Hamid Karzai 为第二次选举的胜利者。

His only remaining opponent had withdrawn. 他仅存的对手已经退选。

Abdullah Abdullah said he did not believe the second vote would be any more fair. Abdullah Abdullah 说他相信第二轮选择会和第一次选举一样的不公平 。

International observers found widespread cheating in the election in August. 国际观察员发现八月的选举有广泛的作弊现象。