第 276 课:阿富汗选举-2

Investigators rejected almost one-third of the ballots for President Karzai. 调查人员废掉了 Karzai 总统的三分之一的选票。

That denied him the majority needed to avoid a runoff election. 这样他没能取得法定的可以不参加决赛竞选的多数票。

But Abdullah Abdullah withdrew Sunday after the president rejected his demands -- including dismissal of the head of the election commission. 但是在总统驳回他的多项要求后 --- 其中包括撤掉选举委员会委员长的要求, Abdullah Abdullah 就退选了。

Western leaders called on President Karzai to improve governance and security. 西方国家领导人呼吁 Karzai 总统改进管理和安全水平。

He told reporters that he will "continue to make every possible effort," in his words, to end government corruption. 他告诉记者他会继续进一切可能努力,用他的话说就是,杜绝政府腐败。