第 276 课:阿富汗选举-3

President Obama says the proof is going to be not in words but in actions. 奥巴马总统说证明在于行动而不是语言。

This week was the first anniversary of his own election. 到本周是奥选举第一周年。

And one decision weighing heavily on him is whether to send thousands more troops to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and al-Qaida. 要作出是还是否阿富汗增兵打击塔利班和基地组织的决定让他很烦恼。

His top general there has warned that the eight-year effort to defeat the insurgency could fail without more troops. 他的阿富汗最高指挥官警告说如果不增兵的话, 8 年打击叛乱分子的努力可能付之东流。

Sixty-eight thousand Americans and forty thousand other foreign troops are already in the war. 已有 68000 名美国士兵和 40000 其它的外国士兵参加了这场战争。