第 277 课:仇恨法-1

This week, President Obama signed an expansion of federal law on hate crimes. 本周,一项关于仇恨法的联邦法案的扩展法经奥巴马总统签字生效。

Such laws provide more investigative resources or longer sentences, or both, for crimes driven by prejudice. 这些法律法规对因为偏见而驱动的犯罪规定更多的调查或者是更长的判决,或者两者兼而有之。

Until now, federal law has covered crimes based on a victim's race, color, religion or national origin. 到现在为止,联邦法律中涵盖了基于受害人的种族、肤色、宗教信仰或者是原始国籍等分类的罪行。

Congress first acted in nineteen sixty-eight after the murder of civil rights leader Martin Luther King. 在民权领袖马丁 路德金被谋杀以后,国会于 1968 年第一次通过这种法律。

Now, after years of effort by gay rights groups and others, the law will include sexual orientation. 现在,经过同性恋者权力组织和其它人的多年的努力,这项法律中将会包括性倾向犯罪。