第 277 课:仇恨法-3

Republicans wanted to consider it separately. 共和党的想单独的来考虑它。

John Boehner, the minority leader in the House of Representatives, called it "thought crimes" legislation and "radical social policy." 众议院少数派领袖 John Boehner 称它为思想犯罪法案和激进的社会政策。

In a statement, he said "all violent crimes should be prosecuted vigorously." 在一项发言中,他说所有的暴力罪行都应该得到有力的公诉。

The legislation, he said, "places a higher value on some lives than others." 与其它人的生命相比,他说这项法案把更高的价值置于一些人的生命之上。

Most of the states also have some form of laws of their own dealing with hate crimes. 大部分的州都有各自的某些形式的处理仇恨罪的法律。