第 281 课:喜欢工作的理由-1

Most people enjoy working for several reasons. 人们喜欢工作有这么几个理由。

Their job might be fun, or they like their employer and the other people at work. 他们的工作有趣,或他们喜欢自己的老板和在工作中打交道的其他人。

Most people I know, however, work for the money. 但据我所知,大多数人工作是为了挣钱。

I do not know anyone who is loaded, or extremely rich. Most of my friends work to earn enough money to live. 我不认识富翁或超级富翁。我大多数朋友工作是为了赚钱生活。

They have to make ends meet. They have to earn enough money to pay for the things they need. 他们必须量入为出。他们必须为所需的东西挣足够的钱。