第 282 课:炸弹袭击-6

They were living in the state of Minnesota. 他们生活在明尼苏达州。

They may have joined al-Shabab, an anti-government militia in Somalia tied to al-Qaida. 他们也许参加了一个在索马里叫 al-Shabab 的与塔利班有联系的反对政府的民兵组织。

Shirwa Ahmed was a naturalized American citizen living in Minneapolis , Minnesota. Shirwa Ahmed 是一个明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市的美国出生的美国公民。

He became the first known American suicide bomber last October when he blew himself up in Somalia. 去年十月他在索马里把自己炸死,他是第一个已知的美国自杀式炸弹袭击者。