第 283 课:修剪植株-1

We talked last week about when and how to prune plants. 上周我们讨论过何时以及如何修剪植株。

Today we tell you about some new understanding of why cutting the main branch of a plant or tree can lead to better development. 今天,我们来告诉你为什么修剪植物或树木的主要枝干会有助于它们更好的生长。

The findings are from researchers on two continents. 这些发现来自两个洲的研究员。

Professor Prezemyslaw Prusinkiewicz of the University of Calgary in Canada led the research with scientists from Britain and Sweden. 来自加拿大卡尔加里大学的Prezemyslaw Prusinkiewicz教授带领着来自英国和瑞典的科学家们(进行研究)。

Their study appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 他们的研究成果刊登在国家科学研究院的学报上。