第 283 课:修剪植株-4

The stem is like the crowded main road. 主茎秆就像那个拥堵的主干道。

The new research shows that the buds on the side cannot export their auxin into the main stem because it is too full. 这项新的研究显示侧边的芽体无法将它们的茁长素输送到主茎秆是因为主干内太过饱和了。

But if that main shoot is pruned, other buds below it can start exporting. 但是如果主要的芽体被修剪掉,那么其下部的其他芽体就会开始输送(茁长素)。

They are no longer inhibited from growing. 它们就不会被限制生长了。

Ottoline Leyser from the University of York says that after a plant is pruned, all the inhibited shoot tips compete with each other to grow. 来自约克大学的Ottoline Leyser 称,一株植物被修剪之后,所有被抑制的芽体都会竞相生长。