第 283 课:修剪植株-5

In doing this, the branches influence each other's growth. 在这一过程中,这些分枝相互影响着彼此的生长。

Nearby shoot tips are more likely to affect each other than those that are far apart from each other. 比起那些相距较远的茎芽来说,相互邻近的茎芽更会彼此影响。

Professor Leyser says the strongest branches grow best, wherever they may be on the plant. Leyser教授说,最强壮的分枝会生长得最好,无论它处于这个植株的什么位置。

The study found that the main shoot grows the best of all not because of its position at the top of the plant, but mostly because it got there first. 这项研究发现主茎芽在所有茎芽中生长得最好并不是因为它处于植株的最顶端,而极有可能是它最先到达那里。