第 284 课:居住在城市-4

Sabina Deitrick at the University of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, is an expert on cities. 宾夕法尼亚匹兹堡大学的 Sabina Deitrick 是城市方面的专家。

She notes that urbanization brings social change that can empower women. 他发现,城市化带来社会改变,赋予妇女更多权力。

Sabina Deitrick has closely studied Pittsburgh from the loss of its main industry, steel, to its rebirth as a smaller city with different industries. SABINA DEITRICK 深入地研究了匹兹堡:从其主要产业(钢铁业)消失到具有不同产业的更小城市的复兴。

She says the reuse of existing land and spaces and the reinvention of urban life is important if cities are to succeed. 她说,如果城市要取得成功,重要的是现有土地和空间的重新使用以及城市生活的推陈出新。

Professor Deitrick notes that a city's ability to educate and train its people is important to jobs and new industries. Deitrick 教授指出,一个城市教育与培训民众的能力对就业与新兴产业(即使这些新兴产业是旧瓶装新酒)是至关重要。