第 285 课:世界金融体系-1

Last week's meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was the third Group of 20 summit in less than a year. 在宾夕法尼亚匹兹堡的上周会议是一年之内 G20 的第三次峰会。

Leaders of the major developed and developing economies discussed ways to fix the world financial system. 主要发达国家与发展中国家的领导讨论了修复世界金融体系的途径。

In April they had agreed to do everything necessary to prevent a collapse. 4 月,他们同意采取所有必要措施,以防止(金融)崩溃。

This time they noted their success, but warned that the "process of recovery and repair remains incomplete." 本次会议上,他们已经发现了所成,但是警告说“恢复与修补的过程尚未完成”。

The presidents and prime ministers launched what they called a Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth. 总统及首相们推出了他们所谓的强势、可持续及平衡增长的构架。