第 285 课:世界金融体系-4

In terms of financial reforms, experts say there is widespread support for some proposals to control risks. 就金融改革而言,专家指出,某些控制风险的建议获得了广泛的支持。

But others are unpopular in America and Britain. 但是,其它建议在美国和英国却不吃香;

These include linking the pay of bankers to their bank's long-term performance. 这些建议包括将银行家的薪酬与其银行长期业绩挂钩。

G20 leaders plan to meet next in Canada in June and in South Korea next November. G20 领导计划在明年 6 月在加拿大(下次)以及明年 11 月在韩国聚会。