第 286 课:法医学-3

And only four states -- Texas, Oklahoma, New York and now Missouri require lab approval by an accrediting organization. 只有四个州 得克萨斯州、俄克拉何马、纽约、和现在的密苏里州 - 要求犯罪试验室要得到官方认可机构的批准。

The Innocence Project is a group that works to help prisoners who could be proven innocent by DNA testing. 清白工程是致力于通过 DNA 检测帮助囚犯重获清白的一个组织。

Last month, its director, Peter Neufeld, spoke at a Senate hearing on the report. 上个月,它的董事彼得在上议院的听证会上做了报告。

He told the story of Roy Brown, who was found guilty of murder and who also attended the hearing. 他讲述了罗伊布朗的经历。罗伊过去被证明犯了谋杀罪,他本人也参加了那个听证会。

The case against him included a bite mark examined by a forensic dentist. 对他指控中就包括由一个牙医所检查出来 的一个咬痕。