第 287 课:信息需要自由-3

One would say Internet providers could not discriminate against content or applications. 一个是规定网络(服务)提供商( ISP )不得歧视内容或应用(程序);

The other would require they explain how they manage their networks. 另一个原则是要求 ISP 解释如何管理其网络。

The F.C.C. chairman also wants to extend all six principles to wireless carriers now that their phones access the Internet. And he wants to make the principles into rules. 由于无线运营商的电话也可上网,因此, FCC 主席也希望将所有六个原则扩展到无线运营商。

Next month he will seek to begin the process, which starts with collecting public comment. 下月,他将争取(开始)收集民意(的程序)。

The new proposals have roots in disputes involving two companies. 新建议的根本原因是涉及二家公司的争议。